July 27, 2024

Curriculum Framework: Changing The Future Of Teaching

Rigid academic structure, textbook-oriented mechanism, outdated teaching and learning habits, and exam-centric approach have been some of the distinctive marks of the Indian education system. Therefore, the Education Ministry’s announcement of NEP 2020 is a significant event that will change the trajectory of the academic system at the school and higher education levels. 

But how will it impact the future of teaching; continue reading to learn more: 

  • Facilitating Effective Foundational Learning 

Therefore, teachers in the pre-primary and primary education sections must include multi-faceted, multi-level, activity-based, flexible, play-based and inquiry-based learning. Hence, most of the activities must include alphabets, languages, numbers, counting, colours, shapes puzzles, and indoor and outdoor plays. 

Furthermore, to ensure universal access to ECCE, Anganwadi centres will receive the necessary reinforcements with high-quality infrastructure and play equipment. On the other hand, teachers and workers must undergo special training in the curriculum and pedagogy of ECCE. Consequently, it will enable them to facilitate effective early childhood development and care. 

Also, they will strive to attain optimal outcomes in physical and motor development, cognitive development, socio-emotional-ethical development, cultural/artistic development, and the development of communication and early language, literacy, and numeracy. 

  1. Holistic Education System 

What is the number one complaint or flaw of today’s education system? Emphasis on completing the syllabus and taking notes more than determining student understanding levels is a primary issue. Moreover, aiming to get good grades leads students to practice rote learning, which has been the most common problem. 

So, the curriculum framework highlights the overall shift from traditional teaching and learning methods; instead, it will focus on cognitive development that includes equal emphasis on academics and character building. Meanwhile, the pedagogies will cater to creating holistic and well-rounded individuals. 

Additionally, all aspects of the curriculum will undergo a transformation and carefully combine skills, learning outcomes and core concepts. Also, the curriculum content will be reduced to core essentials, so teachers will focus on major themes. 

As a result, it will allow them to implement diverse teaching methodologies focusing on critical concepts, ideas, applications, and problem-solving. Plus, teachers will employ creative techniques to determine the student’s progress and provide measures to solve individual issues. Hence, learners will be able to gauge their own progress and figure out specific problems that can communicate to the teachers. 

  1. Continuous Assessments 

under NEP, the examination system will undergo a major shift, wherein students will be assessed every day. On the other hand, teachers will prepare and include diverse class activities that will test the knowledge and understanding levels. They will aim to establish regular and competency-based assessments to assess students’ higher-order skills, analytical ability and conceptual clarity.

  1. Socio-Emotional and Ethical Development 

The objective of education is not merely to instil subjective knowledge in students; it is equally vital to improving their socio-emotional skills. Plus, it is noteworthy that self-aware individuals can identify their merits and demerits. Moreover, they understand how their feelings, thoughts, and personal beliefs affect their behaviour.  

  1. ICT’s Purposeful Use in Teaching and Learning 

The impact of technology on education has been overarching in terms of revolutionising the way teachers conduct classes or students learn in their own space and time. The thrust of technological intervention will continue and improve teaching, learning and evolution processes. Besides, it will serve to support teacher preparation and professional development and enhance education access. 

Moreover, the integration of advanced tools like ERP campus will enable institutes to streamline educational planning, management and administration of institutional activities. In addition, the use of ICT tools will be an integral part of the education process to facilitate smooth communication between stakeholders. 

In Conclusion, 

Teachers are the beholder of futures because they train and educate students to become efficient and accomplished individuals. Hence, the new education policy 2020 has emphasised the approaches and methods they should follow. For example, they need to focus on a holistic education system from the foundational stage to the higher education level. 

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